søndag 14. november 2010

New weekend trip; this time to Manali

We, the three norwegians and tre other volunteers from the new group, Katharina, Simone and Mary, went to Manali last weekend Thursday 4th to Sunday 7th of November. We had a very good time as you can see from the pictures even though the beginning was not exactely as planned. As travellers and not spoiled tourists we wanted to take the bus and not a taxi. We got information from some other volunteers that there was a night bus leaving at 11 pm from the bus station. The bus would most probably be 45 minutes late so we should wait until it showed up and we should wait by the road on the opposite side from the gas station. OK, this sounded fine so we ordered a taxi to the bus station at 10:15 pm from our camp. We wanted to be early in case the information was not all correct. When we arrived at the bus station at 10:25 pm we had alot of time so we bought some food for the 5-7 hours drive (different people would tell us different time) and talked to the guys in the store about going to Manali. At 10:43 I asked them about the bus to get it confirmed. The answer was: No time! No, no, bus Manali 10:45 from Old Bus Station. 2 km. And the guy pointed up the street. Ehh, I did not even know that there was another bus station and we had told them half an hour ago that we were taking the bus to Manali. We called the other volunteers and asked about the information again. They of course said the same as last time: 11:45 opposite the gas station, and we decided that they had to be right. They had after all actually been there. So we sat down and waited for the bus. The taxi drivers at the bus station continued to tell us that there would not be any bus now, but we insisted on waiting: six girls wrapped in blankets in the dark at 11:15 pm. Of course no bus came! So six girls wrapped in blankets had to get two taxies and go by taxi to Manali. The result was also that we arrived in Manali at 4:30 am so what else to do than to find our guest house for the next night, wake up the owner who did not speak English in the midle of the night, get a room and go to bed. And we can now confirm that it can be really cold in India, I guess 10 degrees Celsius. Another part of the story is that we had only booked room for three girls because Katharina, Simone and Mary had just decided to come with us. We was not only arriving a night earlier than booked and in the midle of the night we were also twice as many. It was Ida and I who talked to the owner and we did not dare to say that we were twice as many as booked so we got one room with a duble bed and the pictures tells the rest... Click on the picture to go to Picasa Nettalbum to read my comments to the pictures.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hei, Julie!
    Jeg er ivrig leser av bloggen din og synes den er kjempefin! Det er så mange flotte bilder også, så den gir et flott inntrykk av hvordan du har det. Det ser ut til at den norske gjengen fortsatt trives i hverandres selskap :)

    Ha det flott resten av oppholdet også og hils de andre!

    Mvh, Kristina fra Atlantis

  2. Hi again ;) Sounds like you had a terrific trip! And I loved the ending with that dinner, way to go!!! And of course the wiew with the mountains!! ;)
    I'm trying to learn equine surgery, but my body aces (including my head) and I'm just so fed up with hte whole University-Learning-Exam-Thing!! Exam is on Wednesday, by the way..

    Love and hugs

  3. Hei hei
    Nydelig fjell og flott terreng, heldiggris.
    Men her har vinteren kommet. Var på riding på Lørenskog igår, og der var det reneste julekortet.
    Skal ut på ski i helga - sånn småpent.
    Hjertelig hilsen
    tante B.

  4. Fin kommentar, Stig :-D Gøy å lese. Det går an å få mye ut av en helg! Skjønner dere har europeiske klær når det er så kaldt, men dere ser mye stiligere ut i indiske. Det er vel ikke lenge til du drar sørover nå. Skal bli spennende å høre om Julieskillpaddepasser. Klem

  5. Takk for kommentarer! Veldig kjekt at dere følger med på bloggen:-D
