I am happy and well arrived in Mae Sot, Thailand. That is a town on the Thai-Burma border.
I share room with an American girl, Emma. Or, more than room, we also share mattress on the floor and mosquito net. People here are very nice and it is a friendly atmosphere. I have a small problem with my stomach and the heat (35 degrees celcius from 10:30 am to 9 pm, and not comfortable untill 2 am!), so all in all am I not in top shape. This has affected my motivation a little these first days, but today we settled my work tasks here and goals and objectives always helps on the motivation. From today and the next 11 weeks am I going to become a guru on the situation here, learn how to make a website and turn this into a website for this organization. Ambitious? Ehh, yep, I think so. But I am here and they need a website, so why not? And I am not alone; I am planning to involve and talk to as many people as possible. Maybe I find a computer geek among the other volunteers in this area.
I share room with an American girl, Emma. Or, more than room, we also share mattress on the floor and mosquito net. People here are very nice and it is a friendly atmosphere. I have a small problem with my stomach and the heat (35 degrees celcius from 10:30 am to 9 pm, and not comfortable untill 2 am!), so all in all am I not in top shape. This has affected my motivation a little these first days, but today we settled my work tasks here and goals and objectives always helps on the motivation. From today and the next 11 weeks am I going to become a guru on the situation here, learn how to make a website and turn this into a website for this organization. Ambitious? Ehh, yep, I think so. But I am here and they need a website, so why not? And I am not alone; I am planning to involve and talk to as many people as possible. Maybe I find a computer geek among the other volunteers in this area.
Hei Julie!! :D Så flink du er! :) Bra du tar på deg nye oppgaver, det lærer du på vet du!! Kanskje trenger en hjemmeside til personlig bruk (til å selge alle de fine håndverkene dine, f.eks he he) en dag også! ;)
SvarSlettOi... 35 grader...WOW! Her har det ikke vært så varmt, men når jeg ser ut av kjøkkenvinduet nå ser jeg at sola har tittet fram og snøen har vanskeligheter for å ikke svette... det er bra! :)
I går gikk jeg gjennom kalenderen min og kom over 28.mai, da måtte jeg SMILE!! :D
Ha en kjempe fin tid kjære deg. Jeg skal sende deg mail om hva jeg gjør ;)
En liten klem! Jeg er litt syk og vil ikke smitte deg ;)
Hallo Julie. Så kjekt å se fotos fra Philipinene og fra Thailand. Godt at du begynner å få opp motivasjonen. Å fikse websider er en evig følelsesmessig berg- og dalbane. Min kollega på kontoret ved siden av har holdt på i evigheter selv om hun både har vært på kurs og har alle mulig hjelpemidler. Og hun er en kløpper m pcprogrammer. Det bare tar tid. Ellers hadde vi en hjempekoselig helg i Hannover. Vi skulle så gjerne ha hatt med deg også! Flott helg selv om jeg klarte å skade nesen igjen! Gikk på en glassdør. Var helt edru. Vi snakkes. Klem fra mor