lørdag 14. mai 2011

"Sigh heart, but do not break".

Should be something like "Sukk hjarte, men brist ikkje."

It is with a wistful (vemodig) mood I am sitting here in the sofa in the KRCEE office thinking about going home. The last 24 have brought with them a wide range of feelings. I happened to come by NATO's website (North America Telemark Organisation;-) and and on their homepage is a picture of a person skiing thorugh the birch woods in 1 1/2 meter deep snow. I could not help but cheer out loud by the thought of going to Lyngen in Troms above the Polar circle and find the last remaining patches of snow. I got some some oblique glances from the rest of the office because of my cheering, but; Ahhh, what a brilliant way of coming home; celebrating the national day, May 17, skiing in Lyngen! I must be the luckiest person in the world.

But then also I have to leave all the wonderful people at the KRCEE office. Before I came here I was of course very curious and a little anxious about how it all would turn out, but I was thinking if I meet people who are half as good hearted as my Karen friends in Norway it will be fine. And here I have come to learn that they are not only as good hearted, but also as hospitable and caring. So it is with a small lump in the throat I am looking over at my packed backpack and checking my watch to find out that it is 45 minutes to I am leaving.

Yesterday KRCEE gave me my own Good bye ceremony and here are some pictures.

My last day has been perfect with mix fruit smoothie at T-corner, cooking "Italian food" for everbody for lunch, swimming in the "pond" and for the first time in my life picking mango from a mango tree!!!

Excuse me for this post being made in a hurry, but I wanted to post before I leave at 8.30 pm. I am going to Bangkok where I have 18 hours before I am sitting on a plane home to Norway!

Thank you all for following me on my journey. I am looking very much foreward to see you all at home!!! And to you I have got to know the last nine months; I hope to see you all again! I guess there will be some more pictures here in the blog; Lyngen is my next stop. I would be happy to see you continue to drop by;-)

4 kommentarer:

  1. God tur heim,Julie!!:) Glede meg t du kjeme, bli supert å sjå deg igjen:)For et eventyr du he vært på, skjønne at d e vemodig å reisa! Men Norge e klar for å ta deg imot:) Klem frå Gina

  2. Velkommen hjem!
    Klart det er vemodig, men tenk på alle de utrolige opplevelsene, erfaringene og ikke minst de fantastiske menneskene du har møtt på veien! Gleder meg til å se deg igjen snart. Klem :-)

  3. Unge dame, vil du ver eksosrypa mi?

    Syns eg las på et bilde her at du hadde gløymt å laga mad??????
    Grandis i frysaren.

    -Ta pizza'n ut t av boksen.
    -Nybegynnere: TA AV PLASTEN på pizzaen!
    -Gjerne fordel paprikaen litt bedre
    -Sett pizzaen på ei rist.
    -Sett ognen på 225 grader.
    -Når ognen e varm, sett inn pizzaen.
    -Den ska stå inni 17-18 minutt (så den bli litt svart på kanten)
    -Ta ud a ognen, avkjøl i et par minutt.
    -Brett pizzaen i to
    Nytes best med glass-Cola.
    På fredager kan det toppes med ei Tau, men kun hvis "Beat for Beat" er på TV.

  4. Flottflott, Stig. Nå trenger jeg ikke å spørre deg om hjelp med å steke Grandisen og avsløre hva som blir servert når du kommer hjem;-)
